Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sassafras Mountain and Hendersonville

Saturday June 23

Today was divided between preparing for tomorrows departure into the Smokies, and a drive to the south of Asheville. The first destination, which was really more of an excuse for a country drive (besides being South Carolina's highest point), was Sassafras Mountain, South Carolina. Read the link, it's a decent description of what to expect. (My consolation is that I already knew what the view from there would be like.)

I also stopped in Hendersonville, NC, especially since I spotted some ice cream on a hot day. It also happens to be a place my parents occasionally visit, since it has a change ringing setup in one of its church towers.

Dinner was provided by an uninspired waitress at a largish Mexican restaurant. The food was filling and cheap, but also uninspired.

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