Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Nice weather to start

I had an uneventful flight from Boston (following an uneventful subway ride) to LA on Saturday last.

My rental car was a Pontiac Vibe, which Bear felt a need to test-drive. I only had this car a little over a day (but I get ahead of myself); it did give me a chance to experience satellite radio for the first time.

Since I arrived in the evening, I first flopped in a hotel, where I could sleep off some jet lag. I arose to fair weather, and, after "free" hotel breakfast, trundled off to shop for camping groceries. These adventures took me to Santa Barbara, where I also spent some time in the very nice art museum. On the way out of the city, I got a nice view of the city and the islands beyond.

My next destination was the tourist trap of Solvang. This town is a California re-imagining of a small Danish community; the half-timbered look is painted on, and, while there are certainly Danish and other European imports, I found plenty of California tchochkes for sale.

The day concluded with a drive through the small town of Los Osos, because my traveling companion insisted.

By this time, the weather began to look a bit more ominous. By the time I reached my camping location, Pismo Beach State Park, it seemed likely that rain would set in. By sundown, the clouds had completely spoiled the sunset, and rain set in.

My new tent was dry inside.

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