Sunday, August 21, 2005

Earthwatch limericks

I wrote these and left them in the guest book the scientists keep where many previous expedition members have also written (but not always in verse).

In a place called Victoria Cueva
We searched for fossiles nueva
No human remain
Was found there in Spain
But great fun was had on the wayva

At the site of Monte Mirall
The site of much mineral
We searched for quartz
Wearing dusty shorts
And Alfredo said
"Coordinate for them all"

The work was oft dusty and hot
But cerveza made it feel not
And keepaway at the beach
Twas fun, and did teach
The ladies to tie bikinis in double-knot

Whenever El Jefe said "Vamonos"
We fell into line just like dominoes
Except for Luis
Who'd lost his keys
Which made us late on the caminos

In a place called Cueva Victoria
We found fossils with great laboria
We'd much fun in the san'
Thanks to Gibert and his clan
And the great food of Jose and Antonia

1 comment:

Bri said...

yay mark!!! those are seriously hilarious. you have a gift my friend! I hope that everything is going well still.